What is the Pierce Results System of Spinal Analysis?

Pierce Results System, (formerly known as Pierce/Stillwagon, or PST) was developed by Vernon Pierce, D.C., Sr.   It is a biomechanical analysis of spine kinematics (or spinal motion), utilizing “stress views” of the spine (flexion, extension, rotation, and/or lateral bending views where required) or videofluoroscopy (VF, or “moving x-ray” studies) to determine the loss of spinal function, which is at the core of the “vertebral subluxation complex”.

This system evolved from the earlier Pierce-Stillwagon technique (PST), which itself evolved from a core of chiropractic techniques, including Palmer HIO (Upper Cervical or Toggle Recoil Technique), Thompson, Logan Basic, and the Reaver system, with their reliance upon palpation, leg checks, and “pattern analysis” utilizing thermocouple (thermographic) instrumentation.

It is currently practiced using VF, the DT-25 for computerized thermogaphic assessment, hand and instrument adjusting, the Pierce 230 adjusting table, and may also include the new computer assisted adjusting instrument. Patient response to spinal adjusting is monitored with the use of the DT-25 or with Stillwagon’s Visi-therm for changes in the pattern analysis and improvements with the “Atlas fossa” temperature.   A description of thermography is available.

The Pierce Technique is an “analysis system”, it’s not just another way to adjust vertebra.

The basic Doctor’s equipment is the DT-25, a Precision Adjusting instrument, your hands, and access to x-ray facilities.

A table with “drops” will improve your results.

A VF (videofluoroscopy)system will reduce patient radiation exposure, while giving you full kinematics for assessment, and finally

The computerized adjusting instrument will further assist and refine your analysis.

 Dr. Pierce continued to evolve the analysis system until his untimely death in 1994.